In today market, buying a home can be not only challenging, but scary for a first-time homebuyer.

After all, there are so many steps, tasks, and requirements, and you may be asking yourself am I making an expensive mistake.

Questions like, how much do I have to put down, how much can I afford, am I making the right offer, the list goes on and on.

Without expert advice you're left wondering are you making the right decision or even worse are you getting screwed.

That's where USDA Loan Info comes in...

Client Testimonial

Here is what you can expect working with Family Wealth Mortgage.

-Total Cost Analysis- Compare your options side by side, no more pieces of paper with numbers that you can't understand.

-Free Access to Homebot-Search for homes in your price point, Access weekly reports on the temperature of your market, and whole lot more.

-Lighting Fast Closing-close on your home in under 21 days. Giving you a leg up against other buyers since most lenders take 45-60 days to close. In this market, sellers want to close and get their money ASAP.

-Much Lower Costs Than Other Lenders-As a brokerage, we not only shop your loan to over 300 approved investors to make sure you get the best loan, but we also do this without charging you any brokerage fees. That's right ZERO, we want to help you build wealth through homeownership, so we don't believe in charging junk fees to pad our pockets. instead, we'd rather you use that money to invest in your family's wealth.

-Client for Life Program- When you close with us, you become part of our Family. We will enroll you into our client for life program where you will get a monthly interactive report showing you what your home is now worth, if it's time to refinance for a lower payment or term, and other awesome wealth building tools like how much could I make renting my home on Air BNB.

Frequently Asked Questions

I don't think it's a good time to buy?

Buying a home is the single most important asset most American families will ever own as it acts as a forced savings plan. The benefits of investing in a home include appreciation, home equity, tax deductions, and deductible expenses. By renting a home, you are missing out on all these benefits as well as paying someone else's mortgage instead of building your own equity. The interest rate on renting is 100%.

How are your rates better than others?

We work on the wholesale side of lending not the retail side. Which means we can shop your loan with over 300 investors to find you the best terms. The investors give us better rates, fees, and turn times because we don't cost them any money until we deliver a loan that closes and funds with them. We also have much less overhead/expenses since we are a small independently owned business.

How do you make money?

When your loan closes with one of our 300 plus investors, they pay us based on the contractual agreement we sign when approved to do business with them. In return for our business, they provide us with lower rates, fees, and turn times as we do not cost them anything until the loan has closed and funded.

How long have you been in business?

Family Wealth Mortgage Corporation was established in May 2019, however our management team has over 20 years in mortgage lending

I don't think I have enough money saved?

We do have programs for buyers with no money or even just a little bit saved. When you work with us, we will go over all the different options you qualify for and the ones that work best in your situation.

How long does it take to get pre-approved?

We can get a pre-approval done as fast a 1 hour or as long as 3-5 days. This really depends on you and how fast you move to get the application completed and documents we need sent in. All of which is done through a secure portal that can be accessed from your cell phone.

What if I've already started working with someone?

You are not obligated to stay with any company, even ours. If you find a better offer or feel another company is a better fit for you, then you have ever right to change companies or loan officers.

How do I get started?

You can fill out the form below, or if you are ready to get pre-approved go to www.familywealthmtg.com/pre-approvalrequest


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